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Linked cell values






Values that must be supplied by the user before the report is created can be specified in the 'Linked cell values' section. The value type can be a string, keyword, integer or double (decimal). A prompt to be displayed in the AutoCAD command line requesting information to the user must be defined. In case of keyword, integer or decimal values a set of keywords and a default keyword value can be specified. In case of string values allow spaces between words can be selected. A minimum and maximum value range limit can be set and the allow zero, negative and null values options can be selected in case of integer and double values. Each value is linked to a corresponding spreadsheet cell were the value will be shown.



1.      Set cell address button. When this button is selected the Report Template Explorer will disappear and the corresponding linked cell can be selected in the Report Template Editor spreadsheet. Sheet name and range address information in the section above this button will be updated with the selected cell information.

2.      Value type. Different values can be selected:


String: Any text can be typed as a valid value. Checked boxes will be shown to select if blank spaces and/or null values are allowed.

Keyword: The typed text must match one of the keywords supplied. A default keyword can be specified.

Integer: Value must be numeric with no decimal places. A default value and minimum/maximum values allowed can be specified. Check boxes will be shown to specify if negative, zero and/or null values are allowed.

Double. Value must be numeric with or without decimal places. A default value and minimum/maximum values allowed can be specified. Check boxes will be shown to specify if negative, zero and/or null values are allowed.


3.      Prompt. Text that will be shown in the AutoCAD command line to request information to the user before the report is generated must be typed here.

4.      Keywords. String values separated by a blank space, for example: Yes No NEver . User must type at least the capital letters from the keyword, so in this example if the user types the letters NE or ne the keyword "NEver" is returned.

5.      Default keyword. If the user presses the enter key without typing a value, this keyword will be returned. The default keyword must match one of the keywords specified.

6.      Default value. If no value is typed and the user presses the enter key, this default value will be returned.

7.      Minimum value. Value must not be less than the numeric value entered here.

8.      Maximum value. Value must not be greater than the numeric value entered here.

9.      Allow negative values. If this option is checked, values less than zero can be entered.

10.   Allow zero values. Value can be equal to zero if this option is checked. Otherwise, zero values are not accepted.

11.   Allow null values. A value must be specified if this option is checked.


How to add a linked cell value:


1.      Select the 'Linked cell values' node.

2.      Select 'Add linked cell value' from the context menu.


Examples of linked cell value settings:



Fig. 1: Value type set to 'Keyword'. Prompt text set to "Select option". Keywords set to "Yes No NEver". Default value set to "Yes".


Fig 2: Value type set to 'String'. Prompt text set to 'Street name'. Default value set to "Cove View". 'Allow spaces' option checked.





Fig. 3: Value type set to 'Integer'. Prompt text set to "Number of units". Keywords set to "None Previous Existing'. Default value set to 20. If  a keyword is selected by typing one or more matching letters, a string  value is returned, otherwise a numeric value must be specified.


Fig. 4: Value type set to 'Double'. Prompt text set to "Room temperature'.  'Allow negative values' and 'Allow zero values' option not checked.



Tip: If you only need to send linked cell values to the report and don't want to process drawing entities you can delete all the existing selection set group nodes by right clicking on each of them and selecting 'Delete' from the context menu. This way the prompt to select objects will not be shown, only the prompts to specify linked cell values.





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