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Filter properties







Filter properties. Entities can be filtered from the main entity selection set by selecting an entity property, specifying the filter value and selecting an operator. The filter property types can be string, integer, double (decimal), enumerated value and boolean. Filter properties can be combined with logical operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) to refine the filter query. The resulting filtered selection set will then be sorted and grouped if sort properties are defined and linked properties extracted from each entity in the selection set.


How to add a filter property:


1.      Right click on the 'Filter properties' node

2.      Select 'Add entity property from drawing' from the context menu



3.      Select an entity that has the required property in the drawing.

4.      Select the required property from the Entity Property Explorer list. Double-click on the property node or press the 'Select property' button.




3.      Select the filter operator and type the filter value. Select other options according to the property type selected.



In this example, all entities with exactly an area of 590,441.81 square units will be filtered from the main entity selection set.






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