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Divide polygon








To divide a closed polyline by selecting a slicing line and a subdivision method such as by equal parts, percentage or target subarea, by offsetting the slicing line, or by specifying number of segments or distance along a path.




1.      Polygon Division Methods


Slicing Line:  The selected closed polyline will be sliced in two along a selected line.

Equal parts: The selected closed polyline will be divided in N closed polylines having the same area. The division lines can be in the same direction as the selected slicing line or can be rotated around a selected pivot point.

Target subarea: The selected closed polyline will be divided in 2 closed polylines, one having the target area. The closed polyline having the target subarea will be positioned where the initial subdivision area was closest to the target subarea from the beginning.The division line can be in the same direction as the selected slicing line or can be rotated around a selected pivot point.

Percentage area: The selected closed polyline will be divided in 2 closed polylines, one having the target percentage area. The closed polyline having the target percentage area will be positioned where the initial subdivision area was closest to the target percentage area from the beginning. The division line can be in the same direction as the selected slicing line or can be rotated around a selected pivot point.

Offset slicing lines: The selected closed polyline will be divided offsetting the original slicing line by a set distance.

Number of segments along a path: The selected closed polyline will be divided projecting slicing lines perpendicular to a selected polyline path at every segment endpoint. Path will be divided in equal segments.

Distance along a path: The selected closed polyline will be divided projecting slicing lines perpendicular to a selected polyline path at every segment endpoint. Segments along the path will have the same length as the set distance.


2.      Subdivision Preview Image:  This image changes when a subdivision method is selected to illustrate the subdivision elements and variables. Images are as follows:




1. Slicing line


2. Equal parts


3. Target subarea



4 . Area percentage


5. Offset slicing lines


6. Number of segments along a path


7. Distance along a path



3.      Data Input Area: The requested data change with every subdivision method selected. The required data per subdivision method are:


Slicing line: None. The slicing line will not be adjusted and no iterations will be performed.

Equal parts: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, number of parts, select if slicing line will be rotated.

Target subarea: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, target subarea, select if slicing line will be rotated.

Area percentage: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, area percentage , select if slicing line will be rotated.

Offset slicing lines: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, offset distance between slicing lines.

Number of segments along a path: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, number of path segments.

Distance along a path: Maximum number of iterations, convergence precision, path segment distance.




·         In subdivision methods where the maximum number of iterations and convergence precision are specified the iterations will stop when the number of iterations area reached or when the difference between the target area and the calculated area is less than the convergence precision, whichever occurs first.

·         You can use any of the commands from the CADSiteTools Polygons module on the resulting polylines.

·         It is advisable to check each subdivision polyline area to be sure the target area was met. You can check closed polyline areas with the Sum of Areas command from the CADSiteTools Utilities module or listing the polyline properties with the AutoCAD LIST command. If the target area is not correct, repeat the subdivision process specifying a higher number of iterations.








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