1. Summary rows below detail rows. This option place the outline group collapsing/expanding button above or bellow the detail rows. To group rows select a range and select Data > Outline > Group from the Spreadsheet Editor menu.
2. Summary columns to the right of detail columns. This option place the outline group collapsing/expanding button to the right or left of the detail columns. To group columns select a range and select Data > Outline > Group from the Spreadsheet Editor menu.
Fig. 1: Summary row (yellow) bellow detail rows (green). The expanding/collapsing button is placed bellow detail rows.
Fig. 2: Collapsed grouped detail rows. The expanding/collapsing button is placed to the left of the summary row (yellow).
Fig. 3: Summary rows bellow detail rows option not checked. The expanding/collapsing button is placed above detail rows.
Fig. 4: Collapsed grouped detail rows. The expanding/collapsing button is placed above of the summary row (yellow).